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Brunswick Group, 18/F, Dina House

中港網絡安全協會9月早餐簡報會 HKCNSA Breakfast Briefing 2024September

中港網絡安全協會9月早餐簡報會 HKCNSA Breakfast Briefing 2024September
中港網絡安全協會9月早餐簡報會 HKCNSA Breakfast Briefing 2024September


2024年9月05日 08:00 – 9:00

Brunswick Group, 18/F, Dina House, 香港中環都爹利街11號帝納大廈





2024年6月,香港政府推出新的立法框架,旨在監督關鍵基礎設施營運商 (CIOs) 的網路安全責任,標誌著香港網路安全領域的關鍵時刻,對各行業都有至關重要的影響。中港網絡安全協會有幸邀請到四位網絡安全領域的專業嘉賓分享見解,深入分析是次立法框架的監管要求。現誠邀閣下一同參與這次的簡報會,與我們共同探討即將頒布的法規。



  • 中港網絡安全協會創會主席 —— 葉青陽先生
  • 天星銀行資訊科技基礎設施及運維主管—— 馮家昌先生
  • 太古可口可樂集團信息安全及風險管理總監—— 林小嫺女士
  • 安睿順德倫國際律師事務所科技業務合夥人—— 譚穎思女士
  • 博然思維總監兼香港辦公室網絡安全業務負責人—— 徐影慈女士



地點:博然思維 (香港中環都爹利街11號帝納大廈18樓)



Dear Member,

We are pleased to invite you to the  breakfast briefing organized by our association, which will be held on September 5, 2024. This event will provide an in-depth interpretation of Hong Kong’s first cybersecurity law related to critical infrastructure and will explore questions such as “What are the optimal strategies for developing comprehensive cybersecurity approaches?” and “How can businesses implement measures to mitigate risks effectively?”

In June 2024, the Hong Kong Government introduced a new legislative framework aimed at overseeing the cybersecurity responsibilities of critical infrastructure operators (CIOs). This proposal marks a pivotal juncture in the cybersecurity domain, potentially affecting all businesses across Hong Kong.

Join us for an insightful briefing where our panelists will delve into the regulatory requirements delineated in this proposed framework. Gain valuable perspectives on how businesses are gearing up for this imminent shift.

Event details are as follows:


  • David Ip,  Founder and Chairman of Hong Kong China Network Security Association
  • Billy Fung,  head of IT Infrastructure and Operations of Airstar Bank
  •  Silvia Ihensekhien,  Group CISO of Swire Coca-Cola
  •  Frankie Tam,  Partner of Technology of Eversheds Sutherland
  •   Lydia Tsui,  Director and Hong Kong Lead of Cybersecurity of Brunswick Group

Date: September 5, 2024  

Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM  

Venue: Brunswick Group, 18/F, Dina House, 11 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong

We will provide a selection of fine beverages and snacks to ensure you enjoy the exchange in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Additionally, we have prepared inspiring guest presentations and interactive sessions, hoping to bring you inspiration and value.

We look forward to seeing you at the cocktail party to celebrate the achievements and progress in the field of network security together.


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